On the Difficulty of Being


Sometimes I get upset with myself for

Not returning friends’ phone calls
Having a huge pile of mending
Leaving the dry laundry on the drying rack for days
Neglecting to vacuum
Leaving short stories unfinished
Slacking off at the gym
Taking weeks to send packages
Letting dust and unanswered emails pile up

And then I remind myself that my word is Be, not Do.

I got antsy at my Friday class one week, feeling less connected, inspired, and transcendent than I wanted to be. I caught myself making a list of all the “more important” things I could be doing based on the return on time investment I thought I was getting. I could be reading important books, cooking or juicing, practicing Spanish.

It wasn’t until I stopped and settled into the “Be”, with a conscious disregard for the “best use of my time”, that I began getting everything from that class that I wanted to.

“Being” is everything. I forget this.

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