Goals for this Year

These are not New Year’s Resolutions. (I don’t believe in doing those.) These are goals for where I would like to be at this blog’s one-year mark, which is December 6th.

I’d like to be:

100% natural, organic and chemical-free with my cosmetics and skin care products.

90% organic with my food. (Sometimes you can’t tell, sometimes you don’t have other options, sometimes it’s just too damn expensive.)

70% chemical-free in the household cleaners, detergents, and dishware we use (since I am not the sole arbiter of the residence I cannot insist on 100% compliance).

30% organic, sustainable, vegan, and fair trade in my clothing and accessories. Since about everything I wear comes from Goodwill, this is a slower goal. I consider my choices right now to be more neutral: I’m not rewarding large companies for their practices, but I’m also not voting for honorable companies with my dollars, either.

I am a research fiend and love finding new things to learn and implement. I’d like to focus on just 3 this year and really dive into them. I’ll sort that out more fully once I put my quarterly plan together. (Suggestions welcome!)

I’ve started a board on Pinterest for areas of research; feel free to have a look. I’ll be happy to send you an invite if you want to add pins.

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