I love tea.
I mean, I really love tea.
My sister and I started throwing tea parties when we were in our single-digits. I learned not to order tea from coffee shops before I was a teenager. There are a minimum of three tea bags in my purse at any one time. I own five teapots.
Tea is not just a beverage. It is a philosophy.
So comes a trying and scary point in my journey: the detoxing and way-changing of the tea cupboard.
This is important. There are many reasons why: pesticides, “natural” flavors (which we all know are not naturally derived), GMO additions (WHY do we need GMO soy lethicin in TEA??), chemicals from bleached tea bags in the environment, chemicals from glued tea bags or plastic mesh bags leaching into our tea, landfill waste…
But because it’s tea, I’ve been ignoring all that. Because tea really does comfort and provide emotional support. It’s the drink that cheers.
But now it is time.
These are the beautiful and wonderful teas which I am no longer traveling with. The loose-leaf ones from Tea and Trumpets especially make me sad because they don’t have any organic options so I can’t replace my faves. (And oh, were they spectacular.)
These babies are the teas staying with me. I don’t actually have two canisters of Vita Flora: one holds Tailor Maid Farms’ Mellow instead. The loose bags on top are ones I grabbed for a tea party a while back; next time I go to the store I’ll check the bins to see if they’re both organic.
So this is another area in which I will be slowly rebuilding my collection. I have been blessed to have collected a number of tea strainers (some as gifts this year!), which are perfect at-home tools. I’m considering the reusable tea bag idea for when I’m out. I know I will have to keep a stash at work now that my conventional tea bags are a no go. That could be a bit of a messy adventure…