Tag Archives: positivity

The Pursuit of Happiness

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Recently I was describing my spiritual journey to a friend. “I just feel so happy,” I said. And she replied that the point of life is not to be happy.

I pondered that for a while. I am still pondering it.

The point of life is, indeed, not to merely be happy. But “happy” is such a shallow word anyway.


“Happy” is just one small component of one’s emotional and mental state.

I can feel happy, energized, proud, pleased, and satisfied after a workout.

I can feel happy, connected, pampered and nurtured while having chocolate with a friend.

I can feel balanced, calmed, happy, and peaceful after meditation.

I can feel anticipation, happiness, excitement, and comfort in finally sitting down to see a long-awaited movie.

Saying I feel “happy” is a shortcut which cuts a lot of the nuance out of things. It streamlines our communication.

(I hesitate to even bring the word “joy” into the conversation. Ask any person raised in conservative Christianity or the Quiverfull lifestyle and they will be able to rattle off that:

You can be joyful without being happy


“JOY” stands for “Jesus, Others, then You”

…and then, if they are me, they’ll go into a trigger-induced meltdown about how they believed that if they were still physically able, then they were obligated to sacrifice for others–to the point they were volunteering at church as a Special Needs Buddy while working not one but three caregiving jobs and feeling angry that the church was pushing volunteer work in the community because THEY JUST COULDN’T GIVE ANY MORE.

So let’s put the word “joy” in a pretty box and shelve it for a while, shall we?)

I have tried to sort through my emotions and feelings in this last year, as I have experienced so many swirling through me at the same time.

I bought a car and felt safe, proud, relieved, and virtuous (as it was worlds more efficient than my old car).

I went to the gym and felt aligned, healthy, clear-headed, drained of negative emotions, and invigorated.

I went to an alternative practitioner and felt guided, affirmed, light, peaceful, and content.


During stressful weeks I felt tense, dense, rushed, grumpy, sad, angry, and like a failure. At the same time I usually felt like a warrior still standing as the battle subsided and the enemy pulled back to regroup. I felt like wresting triumph from the clutches of negativity.


I don’t think that “happy”, the emotion you feel when you get a sugar rush on a Butterfinger, is worth chasing after. It fades. It’s entirely based on external agents. And really, it’s not the sort of happy you’re likely to remember for very long.

But “happy”, as a shortcut for everything else that is too complicated to explain in a short conversation, is the meaning of life.


I’m happy. I feel aligned with the principles I hold and know that I am aligning with principles I want to uphold.

I’m happy. I have spent my time doing something worthwhile, whether anyone else knows it or not. I have contributed in some way to building a better world for myself. Creating art or engaging in philanthropy, it’s all the same.

I’m happy. I am not stewing in negative emotions. I am either removed from negativity or I choose to focus on positivity. I see reality but do not allow reality to affect me negatively.

I’m happy. I am investing in things which last: connections with others or ways to boost my ability to maintain those connections. Tea with friends and time alone both count.


I am happy. I am at peace. I am content. I give and receive love. I follow my heart, using my mind as a compass.

I am happy. It is all, and it is enough.


Curating the Experience

People like to complain about Facebook. Every couple of months, a story surfaces about the sordid underbelly of…algorithms. Or paying to reach fans. Or a story gone viral which was untrue.

I read an article about what happens when you Like something on Facebook, which laid out everything we’ve learned and experienced over our long partnership with this particular social media. Yes, you do certain things to make it work for you. No, it is not as simple as it looks (or perhaps as it should be).

But it got me thinking. The more we Like people’s pics and statuses, the more they show up. The more we Like articles from organizations, the more likely those will turn up in our feed. I know if I ignore my sister’s pics (because, say, I’m liking them on Instagram and have this thing about one Like per original media), I’m going to start seeing less of my sister’s news. I often Like things simply to encourage Facebook to continue showing those people in my feed.

Which is exactly how I want to live life offline, as well. The more I focus on what I like, what I want in my life, the more I will encourage it to show up. The more I ignore, say, characters from reality TV (by not watching the shows, not conversing with friends about them, not reading magazine articles, not using pop culture references of theirs), the less those characters show up in the feed of my life.

But if I decide to focus on, for instance, peacocks, the more peacocks I realize I see. It’s confirmation bias: you notice what you expect to see. (There may be some Law of Attraction in there, but I’m not that far along.)

This guy is all mine! I made him for my office wall.


Try curating the feed of your life by Liking what you want to see more of and ignoring what you don’t. Be intentional. Facebook doesn’t read your mind: it notices your clicks; and life requires focus in order to change.

My time investment often goes to things that don’t matter because I want to save really important things for when I have the quality time to focus. But all that gets me is free time filled with the life equivalent of Buzzfeed articles.

I’m going to curate my life more intentionally, starting with reducing the negativity. Is it really going to help me to know what the ten most hated words of 2014 were? How about the unbelievably insensitive thing some ignorant media person said? Or the reason that our generation is horrible, lazy, apathetic, or devoid of empathy?

Do I really need to expend the effort to get mad or defend my side? No. There are millions of other people doing that for me.

I’m going to go Like some organic tea and focus on Edgar. Maybe do art. Practice learning a language.

All that energy not spent on being outraged has got to go somewhere.


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