Is anyone else doing OneWord365 this year?
I’ve done it twice. In 2013 my word was “brave”, and all year when I had the option to choose normal or bravery, I remembered my word. I’m very proud of the risks I took that year and the personal growth which resulted.
For 2014, my word was “energy”. I was fighting the fatigue which lingered from The Great Mono Event of 2013 as well as negative energy around me, so the word held a double meaning. I worked on my health, which led to seeing an energy healer, which led to delving into the spirituality of energy. Less a guide word than a reminder; seeing the synchronicity was encouraging.
The year, my word is “Be”. I may take a secondary word as this one is so simple (and dare I say, maybe slightly boring?), but from the moment I was pondering an ill-written church sign and I identified the only truthful word in it, I knew it had to be my word.
I can’t wait to see what kind of amazing places this new word will take me this year.