Category Archives: Vegan 101

Reasons to Go Plant-Based: #1

These reasons are not in any order of importance, and they don’t capture all of the many reasons someone might go plant-based/vegan. They are just broad categories I’ve noticed in myself and the people around me.


Many people suggest that going plant-based or becoming vegan can promote energy, clear up chronic complaints, and cure illnesses. These people are more likely to focus on finding organic, clean, non-processed food without artificial additives, colors, and preservatives. They are also likely to be passionate about keeping GMOs out of their food.

Type 2 diabetes can be treated or prevented with diet. We know this; it’s why doctors tell prediabetics to change their diets and focus on exercise. I don’t know about you, but I have seen too many relatives whose lives are never the same after diabetes. That is not the way I want to go.

Most of the top causes of death are preventable through changing your food choices. This video is so good. Watch it all the way through. It’s worth it.

Here are 57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan. I like that they noted “Body Odor: Eliminating dairy and red meat from the diet significantly reduces body odor. Going vegan means smelling better.” I can attest to that! 🙂

Some stories reported by vegans of health improvements.

Acne, sleep, and other improvements: Vegan Secrets (Or Why My Skin Is Always Glowing)

An article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on the advantages and drawbacks, nutritionally, of going vegan. Very technical and cautious, but positive. “Vegans generally have an adequate iron intake and do not experience anemia more frequently than others. Typically, vegans can avoid nutritional problems if appropriate food choices are made. Their health status appears to be at least as good as other vegetarians, such as lactoovovegetarians.”

Switching to a plant-based diet for health reasons is an excellent choice. Who else is going to be out there experiencing life for you if you’re too lethargic to get off the couch or sick with something preventable at an early age? You owe it to yourself to take care of the only vessel you’re going to get this time around.